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Analyzing inventory on hand to find the shortest shrift….



As a practicing curmudgeon, I am required by law to ascertain daily how often I hear the term “grumpy old fart” as applied to myself; something to do with national demographics, I understand, and how many of us are allowed to coexist with the mundanes in any one city block at a time….

Apparently, a while back, some busy-body, wannabe do-gooder noticed that, when there are four or more of us in that small an area, the vegetation tends to suffer, and weather patterns for the area take a turn for the worse…. which wouldn’t have mattered, but, combined with the higher rates of cancer among 17 year-olds without severe acne, somebody got nervous, and called their legislator to have the law prohibit us from congregating in small areas…

I heard they also have a new research study that shows how more than three of us in a specific amount of space can have serious side effects on reality, which only served to make the bill go through faster, as the study was done by the state’s research labs, commissioned by some citizen’s panel of paranoids….

Apparently, and this is just what I heard, mind you, one of us scared the governor one day, so this negative research study was done, so he could pressure the legislature into the bill to curtail our getting together…. not that we ever did; socializing with each other isn’t part of the program of training….

S’alright, let ‘em legislate their little hearts out…. It won’t stop us from completing our training, and going forth into the world (fewer than four at a time, legally….) to annoy and to be annoyed…. It’s our lot in life, and the lot of society to put up with us, so there….

Okay, I’m done being silly for the moment…. I couldn’t take that any further, as it was threatening to stimulate my ACTUAL curmudgeonry to go active, and it’s way too early for THAT! I’ve tried to let that out at this time of day in the past, and the results, both times, convinced me it isn’t worth the hassle….. Both times, it took over an hour to clean up the mess, and I don’t think that kid down the hall will ever be the same…

In fact, I heard she’s been seeing a therapist on a daily basis, just to keep from being committed…. Poor kid… I felt bad, but, hey, what can a poor curmudgeon do when the little buggers come up to us in that stupid brown uniform, with that silly-ass vacant expression, and a box of cookies they want to sell me?

It isn’t MY fault that answering the door in my ratty robe, untied, wearing skivvies, hair all over, five day beard, and full-on morning grump caused her to run screaming away down the hall, shedding cookie boxes as if they were plucked feathers….. Nor was it necessary for her damn father to come down to try to chastise me…. an event that even now, I regret….

I suppose that stuffing him into the dumpster WAS a bit over the top, but, hey, he’s the one who woke me up the SECOND time…. He should be glad he survived at all… Besides, the Boy Scout managed to pull him out of the dumpster before he was overcome by the smoke from the explosion….

Now that my internal clock has had the little hand get to the 4, and the big hand to the 12, it has once again caught up to the real world…. Since that means, obviously, it’s now 4 AM, I’ll stop the blather and BS, and get on with whatever we’re going to do today…. I haven’t really decided what to write today…. I’m trying to shake things up a bit, trying to make it more compelling, and, hopefully, more interesting for ffolkes who stop by to read….

Not that my material isn’t grand…. else why would I write it? No, I’m just tired of ranting about the same old stuff, without ever seeing any changes in the real world, so, I’m going to try to vary my delivery, and my material enough to make it a bit more, oh, flashy, or noticeable, or SOMETHING to get ffolkes to spread my message around a bit wider, to more of the public at large, the folks who NEED to read it….

I have a feeling that much of the time, my material gets read by the choir; they have already been converted, so the message, while not completely wasted, isn’t getting the play with those by whom it needs to be seen, in order to be completely effective…. We’ll see how it goes….. fluff is everywhere, it seems….

Shall we Pearl?…..

“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient.  It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.” — Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne

Early as it is, I won’t give in to my urges to vent….. The easiest, most efficient way to accomplish that goal is to provide myself with a sublimated task, which will give me the sense of venting, without having to actually create the path for it to be released into the blogosphere…. Well, that’s the plan, anyway…. What this means in a practical sense is, of course, an old-school pearl, with parameters set at “rage against the machines”, otherwise known as Sublimated Rant Mode….. Enjoy!….

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde

“There are scores of thousands of sects who are ready at a moment’s notice to reveal the will of God on every possible subject.” — Smart Bee

“I’d rather that a bigot mistake me for a lesbian than that a lesbian mistake me for a bigot.” — Tovah Hollander

“I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet devised by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” — Thomas Jefferson

“A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance.” — Anatole France

“The next best thing to doing something smart is not doing something stupid.” — Flo Capp’s Observation

Truckin’, like the do-dah man
Once told me “Gotta play your hand.
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime
If you don’t lay’em down.”
Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been.

– Truckin’ by Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Hunter

Wow…. not bad, not bad at all…. I don’t think a pearl has ever come together so quickly, or so seamlessly as this one…. It took a total of eight minutes, as pearl after pearl jumped up to be included, sandwiched between a very few obviously unsuitable quotes, easily dismissed in jig time…. It was almost as if the universe was rewarding me for having picked the correct venue for this group, which, patently, is an excellent one to highlight such valuable gems as these….

From now on, I think you’ll be able to use this pearl when you want to show someone a real-life example of the definition of the word “eclectic”….. You could probably use it with the same effect to demonstrate the meaning of the word “esoteric”, too, but, that might stretch the minds of those to whom you show it to a point of no return…. It’s entirely conceivable that, upon assimilating the concepts contained herein, they would never be normal again, which, all in all, in today’s world, might not be such a bad thing, eh?…..

Another archived poem of my own, serendipitously dumped in my lap yesterday afternoon…. from January of 2013….

“A poem is a serious joke, a truth that has learned jujitsu.” — William Stafford

Roses for Noses

I have a bozoid personality, of the first degree;
nobody, I mean nobody, knows that better than me.
I often wonder, as the world goes around, and around
how many others have realized just what I’ve found….

I know for a fact, I’m not the only bozoid one;
too many people laughing out there, having fun.
Is their laughter, though, at themselves first?
Or is it some other impulse, like purple liverwurst?….

I’ve always loved to make others laugh and giggle,
since my tender youth, when my ears began to wiggle.
The world is full of humor,  but not always easy to find
so laughing at myself I learned never to mind….

We bozos know each other, here, there, and everywhere
there’s no hiding such joy, it just wouldn’t be fair.
We all have one feature, our great bulbous nose,
there’s no doubt at all, cuz it just grows….

There’s nothing like a good, big mistake, a disaster,
to show us the folly of living life faster and faster.
Nothing in the world can ever take the place,
of seeing in the mirror, a happy, smiling face….

Don’t be shy, just let it all hang out;
we bozos have more fun, there’s no doubt.
Life’s too somber and gray if we let it get on top
if we don’t stay loose, the pain won’t ever stop….

My advice to all of you, out there in the world,
let your noses grow round & red, keep your hair tightly curled.
Find a way to let your spirit out often to play,
you’ll never once regret any price you pay.

~~ gigoid ~~


“Beware of the man whose god is in the skies.” — George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

As I stated in the intro section, I’m trying to NOT rant as often; at the very least, a rant a day is simply too much, and cutting down on how often I produce a fresh rant can only do me good. Most likely, it isn’t good for my blood pressure to put myself through the angst and emotional turmoil on such a regular basis….. Therefore, to keep things balanced, and healthy, here is a not-at-all-shabby politireligirant from 6/17/13…..  Enjoy!….


“Nevertheless, in the system of Copernicus there are found many and great inconveniences; for both the loading of the earth with a triple motion is very incommodious, and the separation of the sun from the company of the planets, with which it has so many passions in common, is likewise a difficulty, and the introduction of so much immobility in nature, by representing the sun and stars as immovable, especially being of all bodies the highest and most radiant, and making the moon revolve about the earth in an epicycle, and some other assumptions of his, are the speculations of one who cares not what fictions he introduces into nature, provided his calculations answer.” — Francis Bacon, Descriptio Globi Intellectualis, 1653

In his time, Frank Bacon (Oh…… Okay, now I understand: no wonder he went by Francis!….), was considered a learned man; even today, he is regarded as one of the brightest minds of his era…. Such regard, however, doesn’t go far toward explaining this statement. As is patently obvious, according to what we now know, Frank is talking with his head firmly planted up his ass; every one of his objections to Copernicus’ work is WRONG. It has long been proven the Copernican system of physical construction of the solar system, and all the stars and galaxies, is the closest to reality, when compared amongst all of the ancient theories on the subject.

No, Frank was being a coward here…. He was afraid of the churches of the time, as well he might have been; the Church, (actually, ANY of the churches, but, most especially the priestly hierarchy under whose aegis Sir Francis lived….), during the middle ages, was notorious for their intransigence when it came to what they defined as heresy…. So, Frank, being the mealy-mouthed opportunist that he was, dutifully issued this condemnation of Copernicus’ theories, to satisfy the priests, and get on their good side….

I have a feeling that he KNEW he was telling a bald-faced lie in this instance…. It’s too wordy, and too UN-scientific in nature to disguise the lack of truth, and gives me the impression that he would have found it difficult to state this aloud, with a straight face…. I know I would….

“Appearances deceive and this one maxim is a standing rule: Men are not what they seem.” — Harvard

The point I’m making here, or, more accurately, that I’m circling around in the attempt to make, is simply this:

Ffolkes, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but, people lie…. They do it for a lot of reasons, but, regardless of whether it is justified, or not, by whatever standards one chooses to apply, they still lie…. Mostly they do it for reasons that are not particularly public minded; humanity, as a rule, finds it hard to act other than in their own self-interest, even when acting honorably. It is the rare man, or woman, who makes their decisions based on the public good on a consistent basis….

This, of course, is merely my observation, but, I think it’s fairly accurate, given my age, and how extensively I’ve observed people for my entire life. Most folks, I’ve found, act in their own self-interests FIRST; they may act otherwise AFTER they are satisfied they’ve achieved their own ends, but, any such acts will be an afterthought, and will, no doubt, also be designed to benefit themselves more than anyone else…. There are very few who act with complete honor in this respect, and I don’t exclude myself from this accusation; I’m no saint, to be sure….

But, I think that Truth is more important to me than to most of the people I see out in the Big Blue Room, or, for that matter, amongst those who inhabit the rooms inside, where our computers live…..  It is that dedication to finding what is true in any situation or issue, I think, that allows me to have a clearer view of reality, than those who tend to color it with their own preconceived notions of right and wrong, with right being what is good for them, and, conversely, wrong is what is not good for them….. The effect of this policy toward life on others, good or bad, isn’t usually a significant part of their decision, as to which is held to be which…

“He who would distinguish the true from the false must have an adequate idea of what is true and false.” — Smart Bee

How often do we meet someone who even makes any attempt to find out the truth? Most people, from what I observe, tend to just accept whatever they are told, (especially if they hear it on TV….), preferring the abrogation of responsibility for their own opinions to having to spend the mental effort to find out what is true….

I don’t think anyone can argue, not very hard anyway, about such a basic observation of human nature; there is far too much undeniable evidence of this truth to be found in an obvious place, to wit: almost every home in middle- and lower-income American, with anywhere from two to six or eight people in them, all of whom are glued to the huge flat-screen TV up on the wall, absorbing everything they’re told by the talking heads they see there….

It’s an all-too-human characteristic to want to have someone else take the responsibility for all those hard mental tasks that go along with finding the truth; real, effective thinking takes much more effort than most folks are willing to put forth in that direction, no matter how often they are told they are being lied to….. not even if the telling comes with anything in the way of actual evidence, unless it is visible, tangible proof that actually slaps them in the face…. They prefer to let anyone who appears on TV show them, preferably with lots of bright, colorful pictures, exactly what they should think and feel….

SIGH…. I’m depressed now. This is an issue that burns my ass on a daily basis, because it is not amenable to resolution, at least, not any easy, peaceful resolution. It is a serious, inherent flaw in the very nature of humankind, that allows this kind of chicanery, keeping the majority of mankind in ignorance, at their own behest; this has been true for all of our history, and will remain so until our untimely demise, somewhere in the not-so-distant future….

I wish I could bring myself to entertain hope, for enough changes in society that we, as a species, would conceivably stand a chance of survival…. Given the stubbornness of even the most average person in resisting any kind of regular, effective cogitation, however, I’m afraid I don’t hold out a lot of hope for that, not in the long run. Humans aren’t going to stop acting in their own self-interest, or being deliberately stupid, and it’s a damn shame there isn’t much that can be done…

“What is man’s chief enemy? Each man is his own.” — Anacharsis (f1. c. 600 B.C.), Scythian philosopher — Quoted in Stobaeus, Flor., II, 43

Not everyone can do this, you know…. nor, in any case, should everyone be encouraged to do so…. Hell, any encouragement I get just makes me worse, and I know it, so, encouraging everyone might just be more than Reality can take…. It probably has enough trouble assimilating what I do; I don’t think it really wants to have to deal too many others spewing all over the place like this….

Of course, one must remember this is all good, clean, digital fun, and the only possible harm to be found is in the ideas and concepts it contains, ideas that could conceivably inflame the hearts and minds of the public, thus smiting a great blow to the very fabric of society, with possible aftershocks produced in the connective fabric of the space-time continuum….

Far be it from me to wish any harm to the space-time continuum; not a healthy habit, I should think…. I think I’ll go now….. See ya….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid the dubious


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